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ClimaTales is my storytelling place.

I tell short stories around nature, environment, climate change.

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Read my stories

Just a Run

Mahesh Patil knew that it was just a question of a few overs. The much-anticipated cricket match between India and England did not unfortunately live up to its prospects of a humdinger of a contest. The final test in a 5-match series, in which the scores were tied at...


If Alisha Tarran was considered one of the smartest CEOs in the fashion industry, it was for a reason. She had brought to her role not just a phenomenal focus on identifying the right thing to be done, but also executing the right thing right. In just five years of...

Men or women

"Who emit more CO2? Men or women?" As television debates go, this probably wouldn't be termed the most absurd theme, but it is likely to be shortlisted for that coveted award. On April 22, considered the Earth Day - though some wondered whether it meant the other days...

A thousand likes

I was desperate. Why weren't my posts on climate change and climate action getting Likes on LinkedIn? I was an acknowledged decarbonization industry expert, and I run a well known climate consulting firm! I called up a LinkedIn marketing expert. He started off. "Are...

The whole point

I would not rate it as the best ever coffee I have had, but it came close. Somebody within that shop knew how to make really good, hot coffee. If only I knew who it was, I could perhaps think of poaching the person to start my own coffee shop. You know, you can make...

Cover to cover

"Your latest novel - cover to cover - brilliant" That was the subject of the email that hit Mark's eyes as he opened his email inbox. Nothing will delight a writer, you will agree, more than solid appreciation from his reader. And when the reader happened to be his...