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Cover to cover

"Your latest novel - cover to cover - brilliant" That was the subject of the email that hit Mark's eyes as he opened his email inbox. Nothing will delight a writer, you will agree, more than solid appreciation from his reader. And when the reader happened to be his...

The Presentation

Mike Dennis, considered one of the world’s most carbon-conscious corporate leaders and the CEO of a top 10 global firm, was presenting at the World Climate Action Summit.  From the moment he strode to the center of the stage, one could sense the passion and deep...


This was the first trip Leonardo was taking on his private jet after he became the CEO of the $150 billion business empire. While he would have normally shunned luxuries such as private jets, he finally agreed to it as a mark of his prestigious position. After all,...

The VC

The associate at the prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm once again looked at the visitor who had just come in, a cold call. His face was familiar; he had definitely seen him somewhere, perhaps even at many places. He will know soon. “Yes sir, what can I do...


The chief financial officer was looking at the spreadsheet ruefully. “This project is never going to make a profit” “Say that again,” said Ahmed. “I have said it a dozen times already, my friend. This project is a loser, from day one and until eternity” “But it is my...

The Farm

I have been living at the farm for now, let me think, about a year. They call it a farm, but it is a farm like no other that I have lived at. I have not seen much of crops here, though in the last two months, the owners have been planting some in the shade. I have not...

The Whale

“Whaling is prohibited” “Who says so?” “The government. The maritime authorities” “I know how to deal with them” “But look, sonny,” the yacht owner who doubled up as the senior member of the sea expedition admonished the brash youngster, “you should not do it” “I...


“Nature. Bah!” ejaculated the famous mining billionaire.”It’s such a mushy-mushy thing. What is nature? Is it the trees? The air? The birds? The river? What is nature? Besides, who cares? I’m about business Ruth, and I do five billion dollars of that every year. Tell...


“Why not?” demanded Oscar of his beautiful wife, the famous London model and fervent sustainability evangelist Sharon. “Because it is against the very thing I stand for” They were arguing about an invitation that Sharon had received to a mystery event hosted by the...

The Scooter

“Mána, look here,” cried young Sofia as she displayed her brand-new electric scooter to her fawning parents. “Atta girl,” cooed Nikolaus, “you have joined the eco-gang, haven’t you?” “Girl, do you realize that you are one of the first in this small Greek town to own...