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“Why not?” demanded Oscar of his beautiful wife, the famous London model and fervent sustainability evangelist Sharon.

“Because it is against the very thing I stand for”

They were arguing about an invitation that Sharon had received to a mystery event hosted by the famous London scientist John McKennon.

“But John is such a dear friend of yours”

“And that’s what enrages me the most,” burst out Sharon. “He knows how much I hate unnecessary plastic packaging, especially multilayered plastics that are impossible to recycle. Yet he sends me an invite with layers and layers of the type of packaging I loathe”

Multi-layered packaging, or MLP as they were commonly known in industry circles, had different types of plastics laminated together. Because of the heterogeneous nature of the material, it was almost impossible to separate these layers cleanly for recycling using conventional mechanical recycling techniques.

It was this that made Sharon and her gang of eco-warriors wage many battles with the London retail establishments against the use of MLPs.

And John had the temerity to send such an invite.

“Sharon, think again. John had even personally called twice yesterday to invite you to the event this evening. You ought to go. Looks like he has invented something exciting.”

Sharon was thinking. She was an extra-ordinary character – one of those rare fashion models who blended beauty smoothly with brains, and packaged all these with a good dose of conscience – the latter somehow never preventing her from making her large dollops of pounds.

That conscience was what was preventing her from saying Yes to the event.

But a part of ever alert brain was asking “Why?”. Why would John deliberately package the invite in a material she hated?

She looked at the unopened invitation package once again.

“Sharon, you are invited”

And at the bottom:

“Be witness to a surprise invention.”

After a short duel, curiosity got the better of conscience, and Sharon hurriedly tore open the packaging to read the simple but elegant invite:

You are Specially Invited to

The Savoy, WC2R 0EZ

7 – 8 PM, 20 Jan 2024


Witness John McKennon’s pathbreaking invention that can recycle multilayered packaging.

PS: Please bring the package you have in your hand for a live demo.


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